Recognizing warning signs of anxiety and depression in younger people can be difficult.
Teens experience frequent mood swings as a part of daily life, dealing with hormones and mood swings constantly fluctuating.
Adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Aaron Krasner, says: “Only 20 percent of children with mental disorders are identified and receive necessary mental health services.
As a society, we have to do a lot better than that.”
These are some of the waning signs to look for:
- Self harm or self destructive behavior
- Changing physical appearance
- Becomes hostile and angry very easily
- Hanging out with a completely different group of people
- Weight gain or weight loss
- No longer caring about personal hygiene
- Inability to cope with daily tasks and hardships
- Abuse of alcohol or drugs.
- Threatens to harm themselves or others
- Reoccurring nightmares
Also, slipping grades in school or small changes in everyday behavior.
To read the full article om PsyBlog click HERE
The post Spotting Anxiety & Depression In Young People appeared first on Paradigm Malibu.