Self love can mean something entirely different from one person to the next, but generally there are some solid go-to’s for making yourself feel better and appreciating how far you’ve come to be right where you are today. The following list of examples will hopefully help you decide what it is you need more of in your life to make yourself feel the love you deserve. Despite any bad things you’ve been through, or negativity thrown your way by others, or even just the nagging inner-voice saying you’re not worthy of love, here are some ways to combat those thoughts:
I love myself enough to eat nourishing and healthy food that is also enjoyable to eat and tastes amazing.
I love myself enough to ask for help when necessary instead of blocking out the rest of the world.
I love myself enough to accept who I am as a whole, not just parts of myself.
I love myself enough to make time for activities and hobbies that make me feel alive.
I love myself enough to come up with my own ideas of what a happy life looks like to me, not just what others and society has taught me to believe.
I love myself enough to have priorities and pursue accomplishing those goals for myself.
I love myself enough to reject unrealistic ideals pushed onto me and to stop punishing myself when I don’t meet the standards others feel are important.
I love myself enough to allow my pain to come and go as needed. As well as granting myself permission to feel happiness.
I love myself enough to recognize when I have done well.
I love myself enough to accept challenges as they come my way and embrace the work needed to get it done.
Choosing to treat yourself with kindness is an essential part to overall happiness, growth and well-being. Treat yourself the very same way you would treat a beloved family member or your best friend. To be patient, calm and understanding of yourself and your needs, to not ignore your honest feelings and emotions.
Self love takes saying to yourself that you’re good enough for yourself as well as everyone else, you’re worthy and wonderfully unique just as you are. To be you entirely and love it.
What can you do starting today that will make you love yourself more? Treat yourself better? Really think about it and then pursue this.
To read the full article on Psych Central click HERE
The post Some Thoughts On Self Love appeared first on Paradigm Malibu.